Gigasampler Tutorial: Lesson 9
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In this lesson I will present a brass section, with general concepts that you can apply also to other instruments.

I have two brass samples, "forte" and "piano". I create a dimension with two splits, and i assign to one case the "forte" sample TrumpetF and to other case the "piano" sample, TrumpetP. I want to simulate a brass section that change, in real time, from the "forte" register the the "piano" register. I have set, in mix/layer section, the attenuation control to CC16. Please note that the split 0-63 have the case "inv. attn. polarity" selected, while the 64-127 split does not. We have seen, in a previous lesson, that in this way we can control the sample volume. It is exactly what happens here: when CC16 is zero the TrumpetF volume is maximum and TrumpetP volume is minimum. Vice-versa, when CC16 is 127. In this way you can modulate the register of you brass section in real time.

A problem, in Gigasampler, is that you can not modify the envelope values (attack, decays…) while you are playing. I get rid of this problem, by creating two dimension, "attack" and "release", assigning them, respectively, to CC17 and CC18. Let start with CC17, that controls the attack time of the sample. Very simply, for every split, I changed in a discrete way the attack time of EG1 envelope.

I created the following assignement:

CC17 0-31 Attack time = 0.06 sec
CC17 32-63 Attack time = 0.25 sec
CC17 64-95 Attack time = 0.5 sec
CC17 96-127 Attack time = 0.75 sec

In this way I can control in real time the attack time, more "soft" or more "hard", changing according to my particular need in the song.

The same thing for release:

CC18 0-63 release time = 0.131 sec
CC18 64-127 release time = 0.52 sec

Please note that, this time, the dimension set are three (if you studied you will remember the "cube" of lesson 6!!). you can combine as you like an attack time, a release time, and everytime you have real time control on register with CC16.

For example:

CC16=127, CC17=0, CC18=127 will play TrumpetP with fast attack time and long release. You can vary CC16, changing form P to F, while maintaining the same attack and release times.

CC16=0, CC17=127, CC18=127 Will play TrumpetF whit long attack and release. Etc…

You only have to remember that every controller has a definite value, and the sample you will play (the "cube case" of lesson 6) is always defined by the SIMULTANEOUS value of every controller!



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